Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Who Invented Mouse

  • In 1968, Douglas Engelbart and his colleagues at the Stanford Research Institute in Menlo Park, California
  • Mr. Engelbart also the pioneer of  interactive computing with their online system NLS. 
  • In a legendary live public demonstration of NLS in 1968 at the Fall Joint Computer Conference in San Francisco, Engelbart and his colleagues demonstrated the mouse

Source: "Mouse." Berkshire Encyclopedia of Human-Computer Interaction. Great Barrington: Berkshire Group, 2004. Credo Reference. 2 Apr. 2005. Web. 26 June 2013. <http://www.credoreference.com/entry/berkencyhci/mouse>.

FIRST Black General in U.S Air Force

  • Benjamin Oliver Davis Jr.(1912–2002) became the first black Air Force general on October 27. 
  • He also became the first black Air Force officer to complete a solo flight in 1941 and the first black man to command an airbase.


 Source: "Air Force." Black Firsts. Canton: Visible Ink, 2003. N. pag. Credo Reference. 31 July 2006. Web. 26 June 2013               <http://www.credoreference.com/entry/blackfirsts/air_force>.

Monday, June 24, 2013

World's Smallest/Tiniest Bird

Hummingbird is the World's TINIEST Bird!

Cool facts: 

  • Hummingbirds are very intelligent; they can remember every flower they have been to, and how long it will take a flower to refill
  • Tongue is grooved like the shape of a “W”
  • Heart beats up to 1260 times per minute
  • Weight anywhere between 2-20 grams
  • Body smaller than a penny

                                   Source: http://www.worldofhummingbirds.com/facts.php

World's LARGEST Office Building

U.S Pentagon is the world's LARGEST Office Building!! 

  •   Pentagone Building looks like a Geomatric shape called Pentagone, which has 5 angles

  • U.S initially budgeted at $35 million, but wound up costing $63 million, more than $900 today’s money
  • On January 15, 1943, work completed on the new headquarters for the U.S. War Department in Arlington, Virginia.
  • Pentagon was built to accommodate nearly 30,000 defense workers tasked with helping America Win WWII.
  • More than 17 miles of corridors
source: “Pentagon.” 2013. The History Channel website. Jun 24 2013, 11:25 http://www.history.com/topics/pentagon. 

Invention of Electric bulb changed Human Sleep Pattern

Today I have learned a fascinating fact about how lightbulb change human sleep pattern!

According to History Channel.. 

   The invention of the light bulb not only illuminated the night, but it may have permanently changed human sleep patterns. 
  Prior to the introduction of electric lights, people typically slept an average of 9 hours a night - at least 90 minutes more than then 7 hours or less that is now common. 

Source: Andrews Evan,"11 Innovation that Changed History", Dec18,2012 http://www.history.com/news/history-lists/11-innovations-that-changed-history

Great Fire in London

In 1666, London faced a unbelievable fire, which is known as " Great Fire of London" to many of us. This is what happened, on the evening of Sept. 1 1666, when Mr. Thomas Farrinor, the king's baker, failed to properly extinguish his oven, which eventually caused burning the half of London!
Here's a brief stats of Great Fire's destructive consequences in London: 
  • 13,000 houses 
  • 90 churches 
  • Lots of public buildings 
  • St. Paul's Cathedral  
  • 100,000 people were left homeless 
Here's an amazing fact: only 5 people were INJURED!

Source: “Great Fire of London begins.” 2013. The History Channel website. Jun 24 2013, 9:10 http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/great-fire-of-london-begins.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

The Shortest U.S President

James Madison was the shortest president in the history of U.S presidency. Here's a very brief description of James Madison: 

  •  He was only 5"4  
  • James Madison (1751-1836) from Virginia, was founding father of the United States and the 4th American president.  
  • He served in the office from 1809 - 1817 
  • An Advocate for a strong federal government. 
  • He composed the first drafts of the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights and earned the nickname " Father of the Constitution

Source: “James Madison.” 2013. The History Channel website. Jun 22 2013, 3:37 http://www.history.com/topics/james-madison

Bear Necessities: Fascinating Facts About Our Majestic Friends and 9 facts you must know!

Bears are some of the most fascinating and diverse creatures on our planet. Here are some incredible facts that highlight their uniqueness: ...