Sunday, July 21, 2013

Who Came Up With Using SALT for Preservation

Who Came Up With Using SALT for Preservation

Using salt to preserve, food, even human body isn't nothing new, but have you ever asked yourself who came up with this idea? Lets learn!
  • Egyptians were the first to realize using salt for preservation 
  • "Salt was gathered from the lake during the dry season, when the water evaporated and flats of salt were exposed. The Egyptians got their salt from Nile marshes, while early British towns clustered around salt springs"

Source: Butler, Stephanie. "Off the Spice Rack: The Story of Salt." A&E Television Networks, 10 Jan. 2013. Web. 22 July 2013.

Who Invented Coca-Cola!?

Who Invented Coca-Cola!?

  • In 1886, Dr. John Stith Pemberton, invented Coca-Cola, by the way he was a pharmacist!
  • Coca-Cola was first served at a Pharmacy called " Jacob's Pharmacy" for only 5 CENTS!
  • Mr. Earl Dean Came up with the Coca-Cola bottle design. Designer Dean was offered $500 as a reward or life time job at Root Glass company (Illinois).
  • Only two people know the secret of Coca-Cola formula!

Noel , Botham. The Book of Useless Information. New York, NY, USA: Penguin, 2006. 89. Print.

5 interesting facts about NYC!

New York City

  • British seized the New Amsterdam (NYC's first name given by Dutch settlers) from the Dutch and gave its a new name, New York city in 1664.
  • New York City has 722 miles of Subway tracks!
  • New York was the first state, which requires having car license.
  • Do you know Alexander Hamilton who established "The New York Post" in 1803. It is the oldest newspaper in the United States!
  • In 1861, the first American chess tournament took place in New York. 

Source: “New Amsterdam becomes New York.” 2013. The History Channel website. Jul 21 2013, 10:03

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Consumption of POPCORN In The U.S.

Americans consume at approximately 16-18 billion quarts of popcorn every YEAR!! Average
American consumes about 69-70 quarts a year. 

If you are confused about Quarts, here's it is: Quarts = 1/4 Gallon or 36 Ounces  or 0.946 Litters 




How Much Pizza Are Being Consumed In USA Each Day?

Like the rest of the world, Americans LOVE pizza. So, I was wondering how much do we actually consume each year; so I did allow myself to do little research and my research shows that Americans eat close to 95 -100 acres of pizza each day, that means 350 slices per second!!!


How Much Candy Americans Eat Per Year?

Americans eat about 20-24 pounds of candy per person each year. Did you know that dutch People eat 3 times more!!!!


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Thursday, July 11, 2013

How Much American Spent on Pets?

  • According to American Pet Products Association, American spent $52 billion on pets! 
  • Americans spend $6.2 pet grooming and treats!

Look at this Chart that might surprise you. 

Source: Thompson, D “These 4 Charts Explain Exactly How Americans Spend $52 Billion on Our Pets in a Year”, feb. 23,2013<>

Bear Necessities: Fascinating Facts About Our Majestic Friends and 9 facts you must know!

Bears are some of the most fascinating and diverse creatures on our planet. Here are some incredible facts that highlight their uniqueness: ...