Showing posts with label Invention. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Invention. Show all posts

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Who developed/ invented Microsoft Excel?


Microsoft Excel was created by Doug Klunder, a software developer at Microsoft. He developed it in the mid-1980s as part of Microsoft's effort to create a spreadsheet program for the Macintosh platform. The first version of Excel was released in 1985 for the Mac. Later, it was adapted for Windows in 1987.

Excel was designed to be more user-friendly and feature-rich compared to existing spreadsheet programs like Lotus 1-2-3, and it eventually became the dominant spreadsheet software globally.

Who Invented Stapler?

The stapler was invented by George W. McGill in the 1860s. He patented the first mechanical stapler in 1866, though earlier versions of devices for fastening papers together existed before his design. McGill's stapler used small metal pins, or staples, to bind papers, and his design eventually evolved into the staplers we use today.

Interestingly, earlier staplers were custom-made for specific royal or governmental use, such as one designed for King Louis XV of France, which was used to fasten documents with gold staples!

Who Invented the Printing Press?

Johannes Gutenberg is credited with inventing the printing press in the 15th century, revolutionizing the spread of knowledge and enabling mass production of books.

  • Revolutionized Communication: The printing press, invented by Johannes Gutenberg in the 15th century, allowed for the mass production of books and written material, making knowledge more accessible to a wider audience.
  • Led to the Spread of the Renaissance and Reformation: The printing press played a pivotal role in the rapid dissemination of ideas, contributing to the cultural movement of the Renaissance and the spread of Protestantism during the Reformation.
  • Foundation of Modern Education: By making books and texts widely available, the printing press helped establish a foundation for mass literacy and education, shaping the intellectual and cultural development of societies globally.

Saturday, September 23, 2017

What is Operation Greenhouse 1951?

Operation Greenhouse was a series of nuclear tests conducted at Eniwetok Atoll in early 1951 to test various design principles that would later become pivotal in the development of thermonuclear weapons. The purpose of these tests was to reduce the size, weight, and amount of fissile material necessary for nuclear weapons, while simultaneously increasing their destructive power.*


Sunday, September 1, 2013

Who Made Scratch off Lottery?

Beginning: According to New York Times Article,In 1960, Grocery stores handed out free cards covered with a waxy coating that hid a cash prize, which was a small amount , such as half-penny. They would printed 200 different tickets only few of which would be winners. 

Problem with Ticket: those free cards with winning prizes were easy to find the winning tickets because there was special design, a stray mark or a serial number  
 In '70s, two Card company workers named John Koze and Dan Bower came up with idea to make this free cards (Lottery) into money making tool. They printed about 20000 lottery tickets with so many different patterns which makes impossible to identify the winning one. They Flew to Boston and meet with Massachusetts lottery officials and promoted their system as secure and impossible to crack


Source: Who Made that Scratch Off Lottery Ticket <> 

Who developed/ invented Microsoft Excel?

  Microsoft Excel was created by Doug Klunder , a software developer at Microsoft. He developed it in the mid-1980s as part of Microsoft...