Friday, April 25, 2014

Is bottle water safer than tap water?

I was always wondering if tap water is safer than bottled water. Obviously, when you buy a bottle of water you probably expect it be better than the tap water. After researching this topic I found out that bottled water isn't any safer than tap water.

Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) conducted a four-year review of the bottled water industry and the safety standards that govern it, including a comparison of national bottled water rules with national tap water rules, and independent testing of over 1,000 bottles of water.*

They include the fact that there is no assurance that just because water comes out of a bottle it is any cleaner or safer than water from the tap. And in fact, an estimated 25 percent or more of bottled water is really just tap water in a bottle -- sometimes further treated, sometimes not.* 

Cool Facts….

So, is good tap water is same as bottle water?
  • Many experts say yes! And many studies and researches have the same answer.
Why do people buy bottled water?
  • In many cities in developing countries where there is not a safe source of tap water, and bottled water becomes a trusted option
How much bottled water are being used by Americans?
  • Americans used about 50 billion plastic water bottles last year. However, the U.S.’s recycling rate for plastic is only 23 percent, which means 38 billion water bottles – more than $1 billion worth of plastic – are wasted each year**
how much plastic bottle water cots us? 
  • The recommended eight glasses of water a day, at U.S. tap rates equals about $.49 per year; that same amount of bottled water is about $1,400.
  • The energy we waste using bottled water would be enough to power 190,000 homes**
Is bottled water industry successful?
  • Yes. The bottled-water industry is so successful, it has outpaced milk, coffee, and juice in number of gallons of drinks sold—putting it behind only beer and soda++
Where in U.S and other countries selling bottled water is being banned?
  • San Francisco has initiated new step toward greening the city, authority soon ban the sale of plastic water bottles on city-owned property. +
  • In September 2009, the Australian city of Bundanoon became the first city in the world to completely ban bottled water from its stores' shelves, installing water fountains around the city instead.++
* Source: "Bottled Water." NRDC:. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Apr. 2014. <>.
**Fishman, Charles. “Message in a Bottle.” Fast Company Magazine July 2007: 110
**“Not Disposable Anymore.” P.O.V.’s Borders. 2004. PBS
+Timm, Jane C. "San Francisco Bans Sale of Plastic Water Bottles on City Property." NBC News Digital, 13 Mar. 2014. Web. 25 Apr. 2014. <>.
++Karlstrom, Solviem, and Christine Dell'Amore. "Why Tap Water Is Better Than Bottled Water." National Geography Daily News. N.p., 10 Mar. 2010. Web. 26 Apr. 2014. <>.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Your $1 bills carry 3000 bacteria!!

Many of you already know that your cash money carries bacteria, well after reading this article my jaw dropped. A recent study conducted by NYU (New York University) confirmed that 3000 types of bacteria found on dollar bill!*

Now that you know your cash carries these bacteria, you should not put money where your mouth is because these bacteria can causes acne, pneumonia, and food poisoning.

In addition, in 2001 experiment, researchers from the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base Medical Center in Dayton, Ohio, exchanged 68 new dollar bills for old, worn ones with people at a grocery store and a sporting event.

The findings, reported in an ABC News segment, showed five of the bills contained bacteria that can cause an infection like influenza in healthy people, 59 contained bacteria that can cause serious illness in those with weak immune systems, and four were relatively germ-free.

The researchers found that while money contaminated with bacteria can spread these organisms, the risks to the average consumer are low - and perhaps there's more bacteria on that shopping cart you are pushing.**

Check out this video

* "3,000 types of bacteria found on dollar bills." Today. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Apr. 2014. <
** Batteh-Freiha, Joy. "How Bad Are Germs on Money?" The Augusta Chronicle. N.p., 28 June 2010. Web. 23 Apr. 2014. <>

Thursday, April 17, 2014

The Hubble Space Telescope

Photo Credit: NASA
The Hubble Space Telescope was lunched by the U.S on April 24, 1990 and is named after Astronomer Edwin P. Hubble. It is a low Earth Orbiting Satellite, located about 375 miles (600km) above the surface of the Earth. Hubble completes an orbit around the Earth every 97 minutes. 

Coolest Facts...

Height and Weight
  • Hubble is 13.3 meters (43.5 feet) long -- the length of a large school bus.
  • Hubble weighs 24,500 pounds -- as much as two full-grown elephants.
What Does it do? 
  • Hubble does not travel to stars, planets or galaxies. It takes pictures of them as it whirls around Earth at 17,500 mph.
How many pictures did it take so far? 
  • NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has made more than 930,000 observations and snapped more than 570,000 images of 30,000 celestial objects since its mission began in 1990.
 How many times did it circle the Earth? 
  • Hubble has circled Earth more than 110,000 times.
  • With those trips, Hubble has racked up plenty of frequent-flier miles, about 2.8 billion, which is Neptune's average distance from the sun.
 How much information did it generate so far? 
  • More than two decades of Hubble observations have produced more than 45 terabytes of data, enough information to fill nearly 5,800 DVDs.
  • Every day the Hubble Space Telescope archives 3 to 5 GB of data and delivers between 10-15 GB to astronomers all over world
  • Each month the orbiting observatory generates more than 360 gigabytes of data, which could fill the storage space of an average home computer.
Does it help astronomers? 
  • Yes. It does! About 4,000 astronomers from all over the world have used the telescope to probe the universe.
  • Astronomers using Hubble data have published more than 8,700 scientific papers, making it one of the most productive scientific instruments ever built. In 2009 scientists published 648 journal articles on Hubble telescope data.
Hubble’s Mirror:
  • Hubble's primary mirror is 2.4 meters (7 feet, 10.5 inches) across -- taller than retired NBA player Gheorghe Muresan, who is 2.3 meters (7 feet, 7 inches) tall. Muresan is the tallest man ever to play in the NBA.
 17 April 2014. <>.
17 April 2014. <>.

Bear Necessities: Fascinating Facts About Our Majestic Friends and 9 facts you must know!

Bears are some of the most fascinating and diverse creatures on our planet. Here are some incredible facts that highlight their uniqueness: ...