Wednesday, November 21, 2012

World's First Commercial Movie!

  • In 1895, the world's first commer movie screening takes place at the Grand Cafe In Paris.

Root of the first movie technology

  • The film was made by Louise and Auguste Lumiere, two French brothers whol developed a camera-projector called the Cinematographe. The Lumiere brothers unveiled their invention to the public in March 1895 with a brief film showing workers leaving the Lumiere factory

  • Movie technology has its roots in the early 1830s, when joseph Plateau of Belgium and Simon Stampfer of Austria simultaneously developed a device called phenakistoscope, which incorporated a spinning disc with slots through which a series of drawings could be viewed, creating the effect of a single image.

In America

  • The Lumieres opened theaters (known as cinemas) in 1896 to show their work and sent crews of cameramen around the world to screen films and shoot new material. In America, the film industry quickly took off. In 1896, vitascope Hall, believed to be the first theater in the U.S. devoted to showing movies, opened in New Orleans in 1909, the New Times published its first film review (of D.W. Griffith’s “Pippa Passes”0, in 1911 the first Hollywood film studio opened in 1914,Charlie Chaplin made his big-screen debut. 

Source:  “This Day in History: 12/28/1895 - First Commercial Movie.” 2012. The History Channel website. Nov 21 2012, 3:01 http://www.history.com

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